Hello there 👋

I am a Frontend Developer and a coding enthusiast with Project-based Experience, currently building projects with React and other CSS frameworks, and started learning Testing and Typescript. As I have been doing this for a long-time, I got pretty comfortable too. I am a curious techie with a great preference for crafting things both functionally and aesthetically



Buddy Zone - Social Media Web App

  • • A Social-Media Web Application to connect with friends and keep them posted. Built using ReactJs, ChakraUI and Redux Tool Kit for State management.
  • • Features include Explore, Bookmarks, Editable Profile page and Create Post.
  • • Functionalities include User-Authentication, Like, comment, bookmark, follow and unfollow .

Daily Fashion - Ecommerce Web App

  • • Developed and hosted An E-commerce Web-Application usingReactJs as Javascript Library, React-router for routing, and useContext+useReducer for State Management.
  • • Features include Filtering products on basis of Gender, Delivery type and Availability. Sorting based on Price and Rating.
  • • Functionalities include Cart, wishlist, order details, Payment integration and User-Authentication

Lift Simulation - Web App

  • • Simulated Elevator functionality, where lifts and floors can be generated from user Input and Lifts will move in between floors, based on button clicks as in Real-life.
  • • Requests done while lifts are Busy will be preserved and gets served when any of the lifts is free.
  • • Tech Stack: HTML, CSS and Vanilla-Javascript.

Built with Next.js, Tailwind and Vercel